new publications NAVI / Jan 2025
Art Catalogue NAVI Hugo Schaer 2014-2024
Ships in wood, bronze, tin, ceramics and painting
The ship is one of the oldest symbols in the vocabulary of mankind. Vessel and vehicle, it harbours what is entrusted to it and carries it across seas and rivers. The ship symbolises the journey of life, which sets off into the open and vast and ultimately leads irreversibly from day into night into the unknown dark…
Hugo Schaer´s ships transport his stories and dreams.
Schiffe in Holz, Bronze, Zinn, Keramik und Malerei
Das Schiff ist eins der ältesten Zeichen im Symbol- und Wortschatz der Menschheit. Gefäss und Gefährt, birgt es, was ihm anvertraut wird, führt es über Meere und Ströme hinweg. Das Schiff ist Bild für die Lebensreise, die aufbricht ins Offene und Weite und am Ende unumkehrbar vom Tag in die Nacht ins unbekannt Dunkle führt…
Hugo Schaers Schiffe transportieren seine Geschichten und Träume.
Text by Urs Bugmann
Design by Andrej Gulyj
Photos by Iryna Schaer-Tkachenko, Hugo Schaer
Printed by Tipografia Nante Imperia
Number of pages 102
Language German and Italian
Published by Edizione Casa dell’Arte, Vasia (IM), 2025
Dimensions 21cm x 21cm
Price €/CHF 60.-
The ships in wood, bronze, tin, ceramics and painting can also be seen in the new video “NAVI” on our YouTube channel:
Video NAVI 6’28, Hugo Schaer 2025
ARTEVASIA Gallery Store
In the artevasia gallery store you can always download the latest offers from Casa dell’ Arte as a PDF.
Im artevasia gallery store können Sie immer die neuesten Angebote von Casa dell’ Arte als PDF herunterladen.
New video on youtube / Oct 2024
Hugo Schaer, Curriculum Vitae in pictures, 2024, 23‘1
As a painter, sculptor, scenographer, theatre maker and video artist,
Hugo Schaer has realised art projects in Switzerland and abroad
(Ukraine, Germany, Austria, Italy, France, Japan, Georgia, USA).
See the new video and the description on our YouTube channel:
Ceramics in New York
Hugo Schaer is showing a series of six ceramic plates entitled “Animals” at the Artemest Gallery in Chelsea, 518W 19th ST, NYC.
Hugo Schaer zeigt in der Artemest Gallery in Chelsea, 518W 19th ST, NYC eine Serie von sechs Keramikteller unter dem Titel „Tiere“.
Video: Ceramics by Hugo Schaer at the Artemest Gallery, NYC
The MTB company builds platforms and tracks for the German Railway (DB).
On the occasion of the company’s anniversary on 2 September 2023, the 6-metre-high lighthouse “MTB Faro” was erected in front of the new MTB office building in Nordstemmen (near Hanover).
The lighthouse is a landmark, a signpost, just as MTB points the way to the future.
The symbols cut into the corten steel by laser tell the story of the MTB construction company.
The MTB Faro was realised in collaboration with metal builder Daniele Sgro, Imperia, Italy.